Quality Management System

The Quality Management System (QMS) in “Besttechnica TM-Radomir” PAD is built according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008

The processes described in QMS totally cover the organization of product creation:

Quality system process model

We have acquired the process approach in developing and implementing the QMS. “The Customer” is represented as a part interested in the products of the company, but the model refers to the other concerned parts also: society, owners, staff and suppliers.

The concerned parts play a decisive role in the regulation of the observed input data requirements to the products.

Our quality management system consists of documents, represented on three hierarchic levels.

  • I Level – Quality Manual (QM)
  • II Level – Main and Work Procedures
  • III Level – Instructions
Quality objectives

The quality objectives, determined by the Management of “Besttechnica TM-Radomir” PAD are:

  • Adequate to the quality policy
  • Assist the realization of the company development strategy;
  • Serve for assessment of the functionality and effectiveness of QMS;
  • Contribute for determination and meeting the requirements for the products/services.
QMS planning

Planning of QMS is responsibility of the Top Management of “Besttechnica TM-Radomir” PAD and is realized with the participation of the company staff.

The Management provides the internal communication regarding the quality issues, aiming to make the staff aware of the quality policy and objectives, requirements for the product, represent the achievements and progress trends.

All the activities in the Company are organized in such a way, that they assist the correct running of the main processes.

The Management is planning and applying processes for measurement, observation, analysis and improvement required for:

  • Proving the conformity of the product with the requirements of the customers and the valid norms;
  • Proving conformity of QMS with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000;
  • Continuous improvement of QMS effectiveness;

The following methods are used for determination of the fields for functional development and improvement of QMS:

  • Investigation of the customers’ satisfaction;
  • Running internal audits;
  • Analysis of the financial indexes, related to quality;
Internal audits

QMS effectiveness is controlled by the internal audits, and the results are base for maintenance, improvement and updating. The internal audits are made according to annual plan, approved by the Executive Manager. Based on the annual plan, detailed plan for each audit is made.

Audit results are recorded in general report and non-conformity reports. Based on these reports corrective actions with terms and persons in charge are determined, and controlling of their execution is made by the internal auditors.

Observation and inspection of the product

Control and inspection of the product is performed at certain stages of the production process. This is made in the following cases:

  • Source inspection – performed for all materials influencing the product quality;
  • Inspection during or after certain technological operation is performed at the work places according to the requirements of the technical specification. The quality inspector is controlling and reporting the inspection.
  • Final inspection – quality inspection of the ready products is made according to the requirements in the specification and the valid norms. Reporting of the results from the final inspection is made according to the contract with the customer and the regulation in procedure “Final inspection and control”.
Non-conforming products management

The QMS of “Besttechnica TM-Radomir” PAD includes regulations, which do not allow voluntary or non-voluntary usage of a product, not conforming to the specified requirements. The detected non-conformities are reported and the product is identified and isolated.

If it is preliminary agreed, the cases when the usage of non-conforming product is allowed shall be approved by the customer or his authorized representative. In all the above cases documents are prepared, describing the non-conformity and the possible repairs made, and the repaired or reworked product is re-inspected. All operations regarding non-conforming product management are regulated in the procedure “Non-conforming product management”.